In the realm of road safety, the peril of dooring presents a grave and potentially fatal threat to motorcyclists. This hazardous phenomenon occurs when a motor vehicle occupant opens their car door without checking for oncoming motorcycles, causing a collision between...
Month: September 2023
Month: September 2023
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5 signs that you may have a bad faith insurance claim
California regulations safeguard the rights of policyholders by providing them with recourse when insurance companies fail to act in good faith. To prove bad faith insurance, policyholders must gather evidence such as correspondence with the insurer, claim documents...
Who can sue for wrongful death damages in California?
When someone unexpectedly dies, it can leave a devastating toll on the surviving family members. If you have a relative who died due to negligence or a wrongful act, you might wonder if California law allows you to sue for wrongful death damages. Fortunately, the...