In the realm of road safety, the peril of dooring presents a grave and potentially fatal threat to motorcyclists. This hazardous phenomenon occurs when a motor vehicle occupant opens their car door without checking for oncoming motorcycles, causing a collision between...
Personal Injury
5 signs that you may have a bad faith insurance claim
California regulations safeguard the rights of policyholders by providing them with recourse when insurance companies fail to act in good faith. To prove bad faith insurance, policyholders must gather evidence such as correspondence with the insurer, claim documents...
What to do after a motor vehicle accident
In 2021, more than four million people became injured in car accidents. In addition, more than 42,000 people actually died in these incidents. Have you ever been in a car accident? Did you know what to do? These are some steps you should take if you get into an auto...
6 signs of a bad-faith insurance settlement after an accident
Dealing with insurance companies after getting hurt can be a daunting task. While most insurance providers honor their commitments and provide the necessary support, some resort to bad faith practices, making an already challenging situation even more difficult. In...
How can you lower your liability when you have a backyard pool?
Having a pool in your backyard can be a lot of fun, but it also comes with big safety risks if you do not take adequate precautions. A pool accident could trigger an onslaught of legal trouble and regret. Knowing some strategies for lowering your liability can help...
How can homeowners help prevent premises liability in California?
Premises liability involves one party making a claim against another party due to an injury or death occurring on someone's property. There is an expectation that homeowners provide a reasonably safe environment for those who they invite to their homes. There is also...
What does the court require in a personal injury claim?
An accident can cause irreparable damage to your body and finances. The outcome of even a mild crash can wildly vary from person to person. When the accident is the result of someone else's careless behavior, you may have the right to file a personal injury claim to...
Can a serious brain injury negatively affect your marriage?
Your brain is the most important part of you, as it controls everything you feel, think and do. While it can be easy to take good brain health for granted, a brain injury might forever change your life. In addition to limiting your everyday activities, a traumatic...
How do you prove fault for a slip and fall accident?
When you slip and fall, suffering an injury on someone else's property, you may have a valid personal injury claim. However, as the claimant, you must provide evidence supporting your argument that the property owner is at fault for your accident and resulting...
Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
In the realm of severe injuries from an accident, spinal injuries are among the worst. A spinal injury puts you at risk of life-altering paralysis. Understanding the key elements of spinal injuries and the effects that they can have makes you better prepared to fight...